Introducing the Troncho
Don’t let rain, snow, slush, or mud ruin your day by getting your pants and your body wet. Ponchos are inconvenient when we have to push our own wheelchair. Rain pants are inconvenient to put on, take off and carry around. Our Troncho can easily and conveniently protect your lower body from the elements. You can then wear a rain jacket of your choice or no extra protection at all.
The Troncho comes in two components: the Troncho Top covers from the waist down to below the knees, the Troncho Bottom covers from below the knees down to cover the feet. In most situations we would only need the Troncho Top. This is because, being horizontal, our pants are most susceptible to collect rain or snow; and being by our rear tires, will pick up rain, mud, or slush kicked up by our tires.
Our shoes usually can deal with most weather situations but heavy rain can wreak havoc on our shoes as well. The Troncho Bottom can protect our shoes and feet in those severe weather situations.
The Troncho is made from breathable, water proof 100% polyester. It is held closed and the two components held together with Velcro. We offer them separately or together at a discount!
I started this company because, using a wheelchair to get around, I got caught in the rain too often and got my pants soaked wet from melted snow too many times. In winter I got extremely frustrated from my pants and body getting soaked by melting snow, mud, and rain from the streets. I found myself often not going out because of this. I used to often wrap my legs with garbage bags to keep my pants dry. I think this is a product that many people that use wheelchairs wish they had. Later on I wish to sell other products for people in wheelchairs but our Troncho is our first product.
We will be updating this website often and will be adding new products in the near future as well.